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The SCS Submission Site is now Open.

The deadline to make a submission for the 2026 Annual Meeting is

Monday, April 7, 2025 at 12:00 P.M. (Noon) ET 

for ALL submissions.

Please ensure that you have all required information available before beginning a submission. 


  • To access this site, you must be a member of the Society for 2025, and know and have access to the primary email address (profile address) associated with your member account.

  • If you need to join, renew, or change your email address, the deadline for you to do so is Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025 (2 business days in advance of the closing deadline).  If you wait until after that date to join, renew or change your email address, those changes may not be incorporated in time for you to access the program submission site before it closes.

  • You must also know your own member number, and the member numbers for your panelists if you are submitting a panel, workshop, or other group submission.

  • To check your membership status and email account on file, go to your profile at https://scs.press.jhu.edu/membership/log-in. You can also retrieve your own member number by going to My Account at https://classicalstudies.org.

  • All members are strongly encouraged to plan ahead to ensure that their submission is complete and correct in the system before the closing deadline.

Should you have any questions, please contact info@classicalstudies.org ahead of time, additionally, please note that SCS staff will not be monitoring this email address on the weekends so advanced planning is strongly recommended.

Important Notice Regarding Double Submissions:

The Program Committee is aware of members not adhering to the SCS Single Appearance Policy, and Single Submission Policy. In light of this, we strongly recommend that everyone submitting to the 2026 Annual Meeting review both policies, which can be found on our website under Types of Sessions and Materials Required for Proposals 

To ensure compliance, you will be asked to verify, as well as confirm with all presenters associated with your submission, that they are not in violation of these policies. Failure to adhere may result in the invalidation of ALL related submissions.

Suggestions / guidelines / additional resources:

For more information about submitting to the Annual Meeting, including eligibility requirements, required materials, and author guidelines, please refer to the links below

Please Note:

  • Affiliated Group Panels: Category 2 Affiliated Groups must submit their panels under Report: Affiliated Group Panel

  • Organizer-Referred Panels: Organizer-Referred Panels that have been approved for presentation at the 2026 Annual Meeting must submit their panel under Report: Organizer-Referred Panel.  

All abstracts, proposals, and reports must be entered or pasted into a text box on the submission site. All text pasted from Microsoft Word will be filtered. Some reformatting may be required and is the responsibility of the submitter, not the SCS office. Please check your work carefully before you submit it for review. 


The deadline for submitting ALL proposals for the 2026 Annual Meeting Is Monday, April 7, 2025 at 12:00 P.M. (Noon) ET. That includes:

  • Individual abstracts

  • Lightning talks

  • Panels, Committee Panels, Workshops, Seminars, and Roundtable Proposals.

  • Affiliated Group Panel Reports (All affiliated groups wanting to submit a panel should select this category).

  • Already approved Organizer-Refereed Reports

  • New Charter Applications to become an affiliated group, and charter renewals for existing affiliated groups

  • New Organizer-Refereed Panel proposals for the 2027 meeting